Weekly Report: Best & Worst Performing Cryptos (Sep 9th 2018 – Sep 16th 2018) Comments Off on Weekly Report: Best & Worst Performing Cryptos (Sep 9th 2018 – Sep 16th 2018) 2439

Wonder which cryptocurrencies performed best from Sep 9th 2018 to Sep 16th 2018? Look no further. The tables below have all the information you need. We are the only website that provides you with rankings based on data-driven information, not subjective opinions. You can click on each currency in the table to learn more about it.

The 25 Best Performing Cryptos:

Coin Price Volume (24h) Change (24h)
SiaCashCoin (SCC) $0.000046 $72,239 340.37%
BaaSid (BAAS) $0.003177 $39,113 212.24%
Vitae (VITAE) $1.03 $35,126 193.92%
FUTURAX (FTXT) $0.000392 $105,087 183.78%
VIBE (VIBE) $0.085045 $41,678,820 174.95%
Aurora (AOA) $0.034738 $782,340 159.51%
OWNDATA (OWN) $0.000663 $499,977 156.27%
ETERNAL TOKEN (XET) $0.212397 $57,830 140.3%
Tierion (TNT) $0.034525 $19,463,875 111.67%
Blocktix (TIX) $0.218328 $17,379,991 103.83%
BrokerNekoNetwork (BNN) $0.000108 $175,665 101.67%
Loki (LOKI) $0.294809 $89,321 95.41%
XYO Network (XYO) $0.003028 $46,871 93.48%
TokenPay (TPAY) $1.72 $492,498 89.19%
OneRoot Network (RNT) $0.127197 $4,981,042 84.59%
The ChampCoin (TCC) $0.004763 $29,652 78.51%
Dragon Coins (DRG) $0.212367 $18,318 76.42%
BrahmaOS (BRM) $0.007422 $82,484 75.46%
NewsToken (NEWOS) $0.004376 $66,710 70.63%
MobileGo (MGO) $0.152174 $2,095,716 68.48%
Superior Coin (SUP) $0.000843 $41,376 67.8%
X8X Token (X8X) $0.041653 $154,277 67.2%
Spectre.ai Utility Token (SXUT) $0.093001 $38,412 66.33%
Cindicator (CND) $0.024284 $3,699,739 63.54%
SingularDTV (SNGLS) $0.030179 $4,947,075 63.12%

The 25 Worst Performing Cryptos:

Coin Price Volume (24h) Change (24h)
Mindexcoin (MIC) $0.063666 $178,174 -74.33%
ABLE (ABLX) $0.001147 $66,869 -62.12%
eosBLACK (BLACK) $0.045928 $828,175 -43.3%
Relex (RLX) $0.001698 $79,382 -41.72%
Arionum (ARO) $0.013941 $32,846 -40.08%
Beetle Coin (BEET) $0.002468 $12,246 -40.01%
Hurify (HUR) $0.002111 $25,658 -39.94%
1World (1WO) $0.069068 $43,622 -39.08%
Nexty (NTY) $0.000186 $220,590 -38.91%
AurumCoin (AU) $15.76 $12,051 -38.04%
LocalCoinSwap (LCS) $0.120733 $23,841 -35.17%
AVINOC (AVINOC) $0.002823 $224,298 -34.14%
Uquid Coin (UQC) $0.292238 $237,489 -33.77%
CashBet Coin (CBC) $0.034455 $20,457 -33.59%
Nework (NKC) $0.012746 $618,763 -32.86%
Zen Protocol (ZP) $0.444885 $17,799 -32.73%
BingoCoin (BOC) $0.067614 $20,740 -31.72%
Webcoin (WEB) $0.031113 $1,463,254 -31.62%
Lightpaycoin (LPC) $2.08 $407,256 -31.62%
ATC Coin (ATCC) $0.007327 $43,567 -31.53%
SolarCoin (SLR) $0.074522 $57,407 -30.61%
Themis (GET) $0.005835 $89,790 -29.7%
Pylon Network (PYLNT) $1.13 $50,019 -29.26%
Tripio (TRIO) $0.001624 $171,304 -29.19%
FedoraCoin (TIPS) $0.000012 $139,945 -28.6%

We generate cryptocurrency performance reports daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. Please go to our our Winners & Losers page to find all our reports. We extract crypto data and trading volumes from various trusted APIs in order to display it here for you to digest. These include CoinMarketCap and BitScreener. If you notice any bug, error or if you think any number might be wrong, please let us know

Amine is the founder of Crypto Radar. He is passionate about Bitcoin, crypto and the web 3 landscape. He occasionally shares his insight on this blog.

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