Q. How can I add a new ICO to your calendar?

A. You can use our submit ico form to submit your ICO.

Note: You must first be registered and have an account to submit an ICO.

Q. How can I edit, delete or make changes to my ICO?

A. Login to your account, and then navigate to the dashboard. There you will see the link to manange your ICOs. On the manage ICOs dashboard, you will see a list of all your approved ICOs and you will be able to edit, feature, disable, or delete them.

Q. How can I promote my ICO and have it featured on top of the results for more visibility?

A. If you want to promote your ICO to have it featured on the top of the results as a highlighted listing, navigate to the manage ICOs dashboard, and under the actions column you will see the button to feature your ICO. Click the button and follow the instructions on the proceeding page to feature your ICO.

Q. What are Crypto Radar's official wallet addresses for payments in BTC, ETH and other altcoins?

A. Here are the wallet addresses for all the coins we currently accept payment in:

ETH: 0xa81520016d57e028628d3a4d59f53a0e72e80d5e
LTC: LMgWUP17qTGfzX7ToKxVw7jdLNd2jpZTR4
XRP: rCoinaUERUrXb1aA7dJu8qRcmvPNiKS3d

Q. What is Crypto Radar's PayPal address for FIAT payments?

A. Please send FIAT payments through PayPal to payments@cryptoradar.org

Q. Why is my ICO not showing up on my dashboard so I can edit it?

A. Your ICO will only show up on your ICO dashboard after it has been approved and published by us. Please allow us up to 15 business days for us to approve your ICO.

If you need furthur assitance, please use the form below to contact us with any questions, issues, or suggestions and we will get back to you within 1 business day. Or you can contact our support team directly at support@cryptoradar.org.

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