Monthly Report: Best & Worst Performing Cryptos (January 2018) Comments Off on Monthly Report: Best & Worst Performing Cryptos (January 2018) 4148

ProCurrency (PROC)



The 25 Best Performing Cryptos:


Coin Price Volume (24h) Change (1m)
ProCurrency (PROC) $ 0.071871 97,407,049 277.09%
ITI $ 59.0147 32,257 255.94%
JET $ 0.280881 7,332,194 241.73%
PandaCoin (PND) $ 0.000511 27,201,305,284 200.62%
DFS $ 0.072552 17,098,219 178.98%
Pillar (PLR) $ 1.33811 228,795,218 166.04%
SKC $ 0.141086 13,363,232 150.74%
NIO $ 0.211418 65,828,137 148.36%
Dentacoin (DCN) $ 0.001243 323,941,928,399 139.80%
Mojocoin (MOJO) $ 0.074433 26,885,817 135.65%
CryptoJacks (CJ) $ 0.00416 400,318,510 128.83%
Waltonchain (WTC) $ 23.7325 24,402,365 128.55%
Digix DAO (DGD) $ 413.713 1,999,236 126.14%
eBTC (EBTC) $ 0.888051 21,255,513 125.31%
Hello Gold (HGT) $ 0.107201 224,795,608 115.78%
CryptoCarbon (CCRB) $ 0.458874 3,562,111 104.04%
Ties Network (TIE) $ 0.203725 39,561,826 99.70%
Blackmoon Crypto (BMC) $ 1.35571 21,010,088 92.70%
Viuly (VIU) $ 0.032488 651,250,369 92.26%
MONK $ 9.5894 397,904 84.80%
PFR $ 0.134238 76,070,286 84.13%
Starta (STA) $ 1.2103 5,200,017 83.46%
Hubiit (HBT) $ 0.744373 13,516,419 71.31%
SunContract (SNC) $ 0.327691 126,917,233 69.48%
VIBEHub (VIBE) $ 0.490812 176,872,436 69.32%


The 25 Worst Performing Cryptos:


Coin Price Volume (24h) Change (1m)
Ignis (IGNIS) $ 0.255466 755,071,865 -87.99%
XCPO $ 0.082426 16,277,097 -85.74%
FirstCoin (FRST) $ 2.15422 1,869,936 -84.53%
Rise (RISE) $ 0.19781 111,939,230 -83.21%
SexCoin (SXC) $ 0.034315 130,080,664 -81.39%
BitBay (BAY) $ 0.078629 1,008,663,648 -80.38%
Spreadcoin (SPR) $ 0.477772 9,825,059 -79.54%
HBC $ 1.81493 4,873,246 -79.27%
Pure (PURE) $ 1.08383 3,307,229 -79.20%
BlockCAT (CAT) $ 0.090644 315,033,714 -78.81%
Linx (LINX) $ 0.122085 16,511,160 -78.02%
Guppy (GUP) $ 0.322985 74,182,160 -78.00%
Sphere Coin (SPHR) $ 3.45469 3,046,798 -77.83%
Centra (CTR) $ 0.986807 66,987,381 -77.58%
PBL $ 0.521826 18,342,520 -77.45%
GreenCoin (GRE) $ 0.000583 5,424,186,964 -77.27%
Ripple (XRP) $ 0.873553 37,630,735,673 -77.03%
Tronix (TRX) $ 0.038869 62,925,700,661 -76.77%
Trigger (TRIG) $ 1.67543 31,714,086 -76.22%
Ardor (ARDR) $ 0.497042 927,055,500 -75.97%
FeatherCoin (FTC) $ 0.172904 191,104,173 -75.21%
KBR $ 0.016223 108,948,653 -75.00%
Santiment (SAN) $ 1.682 61,618,763 -74.74%
StealthCoin (XST) $ 0.364409 27,943,226 -74.43%
CannabisCoin (CANN) $ 0.078872 76,456,334 -74.36%


We generate cryptocurrency performance reports daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. Please go to our our Winners & Losers page to find all our reports. We extract crypto data and trading volumes from various trusted APIs in order to display it here for you to digest. These include CoinMarketCap and BitScreener. If you notice any bug, error or if you think any number might be wrong, please let us know

Amine is the founder of Crypto Radar. He is passionate about Bitcoin, crypto and the web 3 landscape. He occasionally shares his insight on this blog.

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