Monthly Report: Best & Worst Performing Cryptos (February 2018) Comments Off on Monthly Report: Best & Worst Performing Cryptos (February 2018) 2952

Wonder which cryptocurrencies performed best in February 2018? Look no further. The tables below have all the information you need. We are the only website that provides you with rankings based on data-driven information, not subjective opinions. You can click on each currency in the table to learn more about it.

The 25 Best Performing Cryptos:

Coin Price Volume (24h) Change (1m)
HexxCoin (HXX) $ 1.36275 1,535,687 332.74%
Rupaya (RUPX) $ 0.181738 7,014,081 300.11%
Digix DAO (DGD) $ 589.963 1,976,785 158.93%
MintCoin (MINT) $ 0.001574 27,959,317,662 126.49%
Revain (R) $ 2.20397 189,175,968 112.59%
MazaCoin (MZC) $ 0.004799 1,054,388,623 97.61%
Pura (PURA) $ 0.680345 172,934,652 79.77%
MRJA $ 0.323222 10,244,795 61.84%
BitBean (BITB) $ 0.0180327 2,387,352,975 54.82%
Hubiit (HBT) $ 1.68173 13,516,418 51.27%
PRL $ 1.53551 71,030,686 46.15%
OpenANX (OAX) $ 0.669035 25,009,249 45.21%
YoCoin (YOC) $ 0.027121 186,460,418 43.23%
Hackspace Capital (HAC) $ 0.066423 325,677,296 36.51%
Draftcoin (DFT) $ 1.57288 3,148,874 33.69%
UQC $ 2.51574 9,999,563 30.94%
Prizm (PZM) $ 1.09499 14,979,018 29.57%
Genesis Vision (GVT) $ 27.6427 3,715,645 28.11%
BlockMason Credit Protocol (BCPT) $ 1.09031 45,675,729 26.09%
E-Dinar Coin (EDR) $ 0.021009 873,202,913 24.78%
PetroDollar (XPD) $ 0.020395 79,013,435 18.71%
Litecoin (LTC) $ 204.165 55,519,629 14.41%
MinersReward (MRT) $ 0.209284 9,958,573 14.14%
MNX $ 22.5648 3,421,239 11.01%
Primalbase (PBT) $ 4447.38 1,257 10.35%

The 25 Worst Performing Cryptos:

Coin Price Volume (24h) Change (1m)
AI $ 0.962742 2,918,632 -89.66%
CraftCoin (CRC) $ 1.97312 1,305,109 -88.84%
Regalcoin (REC) $ 0.290625 12,703,532 -85.86%
FirstCoin (FRST) $ 0.765433 1,739,158 -84.84%
SLT $ 0.576117 5,100,896 -84.56%
Viuly (VIU) $ 0.009344 685,279,752 -82.27%
OCN $ 0.0138 2,027,246,377 -81.49%
Hush (HUSH) $ 1.6532 3,322,665 -81.25%
KRM $ 0.0119781 1,005,414,047 -80.58%
Bitdeal (BDL) $ 0.016449 169,922,062 -80.29%
VIVO Coin (VIVO) $ 1.14964 1,370,326 -79.77%
ZClassic (ZCL) $ 23.1065 3,791,992 -79.33%
OPC $ 0.016798 142,703,238 -78.31%
Obsidian (ODN) $ 0.171566 24,936,176 -77.40%
CL $ 0.055448 71,988,782 -75.74%
Magos (MAG) $ 0.177949 18,101,552 -74.89%
GET $ 0.976929 10,384,393 -74.69%
ProCurrency (PROC) $ 0.028056 97,089,286 -73.73%
SirinLabs (SRN) $ 0.586386 99,322,133 -73.42%
COFI $ 0.078488 170,919,300 -73.14%
DOVU (DOVU) $ 0.100727 64,185,283 -71.63%
Midnight (MDT) $ 0.080014 123,142,200 -71.20%
Populous (PPT) $ 19.3388 37,053,203 -71.10%
HAT $ 3.93431 1,459,623 -70.94%
eBTC (EBTC) $ 0.459386 18,615,223 -70.19%

We generate cryptocurrency performance reports daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. Please go to our our Winners & Losers page to find all our reports. We extract crypto data and trading volumes from various trusted APIs in order to display it here for you to digest. These include CoinMarketCap and BitScreener. If you notice any bug, error or if you think any number might be wrong, please let us know

Amine is the founder of Crypto Radar. He is passionate about Bitcoin, crypto and the web 3 landscape. He occasionally shares his insight on this blog.

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