
BTC to CAD: How Canadians Can Trade Crypto for Fiat

There’s a dirty little secret among Canadian crypto investors: they love switching BTC to CAD again. Why? Because switching cryptocurrency back to fiat is equivalent to cashing chips out at a casino. It means you’re probably making a return on investment and ready to spend some money the good old …


French Police Make Monero Bot Self-Destruct

France’s C3N digital crime fighting center is credited with destroying a virus responsible for infecting over 850,000 computers and stealing millions of dollars in Monero tokens. Thanks to an anonymous tip, police were able to locate a central server in Paris responsible for distributing the virus across the network of …

How to Find the Best Place to Buy Bitcoin

Anybody reading this realizing that Bitcoin is the future of money is probably trying to figure out the best place to buy Bitcoin. The fact the price of cryptocurrencies is trending upwards is probably increasing that sense of urgency. Have no fear. There are many options both new and seasoned …

Top 10 Bitcoin Exchanges For 2019

For those looking to delve into the cryptocurrency market and purchase Bitcoin, Bitcoin exchanges are imperative. These exchanges usually offer different payment methods to purchase both Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, Some companies provide additional services, rather than solely operating as an exchange. As with virtually everything in this life, there …

Bityaris Announces the Launch of Innovative Crypto Exchange

Bityaris Announces the Launch of Innovative Crypto Exchange October 21, 2018 – With an innovative vision to decentralize the blockchain space and build a world-class crypto exchange, Bityaris, bringing together the world’s best brains in the crypto-space announces the launch of its highly anticipated, self-reliant cryptocurrency exchange platform which will …

Through Pain Becomes Pleasure – YOLO.Exchange ICO Is Born!

Daniel Lew, one of the co-founders of which has 18,000 crypto traders had started an idea of launching a cryptocurrency trading exchange after finding numerous issues from other various crypto exchanges such as Yobit, Tidex to name a couple. C-Patex, one of the small exchanges in the cryptocurrency market …

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