Top 10 Bitcoin Exchanges For 2019

For those looking to delve into the cryptocurrency market and purchase Bitcoin, Bitcoin exchanges are imperative. These exchanges usually offer different payment methods to purchase both Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, Some companies provide additional services, rather than solely operating as an exchange. As with virtually everything in this life, there …

How to Invest in Bitcoin: And Why You Should Do It

As Facebook positions itself to launch a digital currency and .U.S. Senators are admitting Bitcoin is the real deal, more and more people are wondering how to invest in Bitcoin. In this post, I’m going to explain to you how you can go about investing in Bitcoin and why you …

Bitcoin Gains Acceptance from .U.S. Senators in July

United States Congress is officially more open to Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Several hearings throughout the month of July are seeing many House representatives extol the virtues of Bitcoin. Most are comparing it to Facebook’s centralized Libra project, which is sparking quite a debate. Senators Compare Favor Bitcoin Over Libra …

Bitcoin Price

Former Bearish CNBC Host Makes $55,000 Bitcoin Price Prediction

Photo by André François McKenzie CNBC Squawk Box host Joe Kernan is predicting a Bitcoin worth in excess of $55,000 after the currency goes through his having event in 2020. Kernan’s sentiment is quite a departure from his original bearish position on the project. He like many others laughed at the …

Australia Cryptocurrency

Australian Government Exempts Cryptocurrency from New Large Transaction Law

Australia’s government is planning to roll out new legislation on January 1, 2020. The new regulations are intended to curb large cast transactions designed to skirt the law, but the new draft bill makes an exception for transactions made with digital currency. The news is generally great for cryptocurrency enthusiasts …

How To Accelerate Bitcoin Adoption Amongst Small Retail Businesses – 8 Experts Weigh In

In April of this year, Bitcoin celebrated an important usage and adoption milestone, recording its 400 millionth transaction. This is a watershed moment for the cryptocurrency since in its inception in 2009. In addition to an incredible price surge, confidence in the longevity of Bitcoin will likewise increase, thus giving …

10 Future Bitcoin Developments That Could Skyrocket Its Price

The popularity of Bitcoin has increased exponentially since its birth a decade ago. Moreover, its value has steadily increasing hitting an 18-month high this summer. In this article, experts discuss 10 future Bitcoin developments that could skyrocket the price. Miners Payments, Regulation Certainty, Gold, and Geopolitical Instability “Some developments that …

Top 5 Bitcoin Wristwatches

Luxury wristwatches have become the latest must-have collectible for the moneyed upwardly mobile. Some collectors regard these luxury watches not merely as accessories, but as new assets in their portfolios. Given that some collectible wristwatches have sold for six figures, and in certain cases north of that, watches can be …

5 Problems With Bitcoin That Are Slowing Down Its Growth

Bitcoin has certainly made leaps and bounds since it was created a decade ago. Yet, the cryptocurrency still has a long way to go before it enjoys mass adoption as the principle method of payment. In this article, 4 experts discuss the problems with Bitcoin that are slowing down its …

How blockchain impact the healthcare industry in upcoming years?

Blockchain technology is considered as one of the most disruptive and important technologies in the world. To innovate the functionalities, many industries are adopting the technology. Among these industries, healthcare industries are also adopting the technology. People are calling this technology “An answer to solve the looming problems of the …

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